Monday, February 28, 2011

Look, I'm a chef!

So as most people know, I am NOT known for my culinary expertise. Unlike my lovely sisters, i usually do not have the patience nor the natural skill they posses. But lately I have been going on All Recipes to find yummy really fast dinners for me and Jake so that I don't lose patience or get frustrated that they're too hard. :) One thing I made was actually from watching a Pillsbury commercial! Home made pizza rolls :) All you have to do is unfold the rolls, put mozzarella cheese and pepperonis inside, wrap them up and cook them for about 12 mins. (Or however long the package says) They are DELICIOUS! and healthier than buying pizza rolls and extremely less expensive. and not to mention SUPER easy :) I've also made Lemon Pepper chicken (too lemony actually) and Creamy tomato bacon pasta. Goodness Gracious was that pasta yummy. The recipe is here. Now I'm sure you can substitute things to make it healthier, but it's awesome just the way it is :) Last night I made Chicken Parmesan and this one I actually have a picture of.
YAY! it turned out absolutely scrumptious and I will definitely be making it again. I picked up a few more recipes off Allrecipes so I'll be making more things and remembering to document them. I'm so excited I can cook and that it's turning out good. Not to mention that Jake is loving this hopefully permanent phase I'm in right now.

As for my artwork I don't have anything completed to show you. I'm working on new logos for the Wimberley Pie Company but I'm not finished with them. Also for Illustration I'm really excited about what I'm working on. We're making our own patterns from our drawings. I've chosen to do two patterns. One for a children's store that's a boy theme and one that's a girl theme :) I'm about half way done with the boy one and the girl's i haven't started but I'm really excited for how it will turn out. And maybe they will be successful enough to actually be used for something. Like fabric or something. I tend to make my art with Lyla in mind so the girl pattern will be hopefully something my dear sister Ashley can use for her sweet girls. :)

Well, Poncho just threw up on the carpet so I'm guessing it's time to go. :( Have a very BLESSED day my sweet girls in my life. I love you!


  1. You, my sweets, are a good cook and getting better all the time!! Looks delicious! And, do you mean you'll be designing fabric?

  2. Ahh Brit this looks so yummy! I love Parmesan Chicken!! I do the exact same thing, I look at allrecipes and I have 2 word files called Recipes and Desserts. And when I find ones that I like, I copy and paste it into the word file just to have whenever I might want it! Its awesome and like your own little recipe book! :)

  3. Yay! Yay! Yay! More artwork of the little ladies/or inspired by the little ladies! I love everything you've made so far. It's all up in Lyla's playroom :) I'm hoping you still are up for projects once little Adah is here!!! She needs some art too ;)

  4. Britt this looks amazing! I'm proud of you for trying new recipes! Don't get discouraged if they don't turn out good, I had two flops this week! Its all a part of the adventures of cooking!
