Thursday, February 17, 2011

Doodle Doodle

My next illustration project was to create little doodles, any doodles you wanted, scan them into the computer then tweak them a bit then color them. At first my doodles I did were HORRIBLE. I'm not an illustrator. Give me a picture and tell me to re create it exactly. Gotcha. Good to go. Tell me to make imperfect little cartoons that are semi realistic and cute. No go. So at first I was really frustrated. And 98% of my doodles I did were complete poopy. But I did find 4 ones that i thought were good enough to scan in. And here they are :)
Yay doodles! I think my teacher will like them. And even if she doesn't, I think they turned out pretty darn cute <3 
I realized I haven't been doing Goals for the Day. Oops. I guess I'll do one today 

Today's Goal: Thou Shall Not Kill Your Art Direction Teacher.
Let me just tell you, I have personally met Satan's mistress. And is she a handful. This teacher is literally the bane of my existence. I have never been more petrified of one person in my entire life. Some of you have heard small tales of her adventures. (This is the same teacher who expected 4 pages and 6 hours of time put into a WORDLIST for heaven's sake) She has also failed students who's thumbnails weren't EXACTLY the right dimensions. Shot down every group's ideas in the class more than once and the week before they were due we had a pre-critique. Some groups she told to basically redo their whole thing and go a different direction. Our project for that class is due on Tuesday. Please pray for my comfort in that class and for my patience so that I do not remove this ladies head from her very angry body.

And on that note I shall leave you :) Have a glorious night!


  1. shall the momma come and have a chat with your teacher? :) I love your doodles!

  2. Hang in there Britt! I feel your pain on the unreasonable professors- we had over a week of snow days and none of my profs have moved our deadlines. I had 2 tests, 2 quizzes, a paper, a presentation, 9 assignments and a lab due-all in one week!!!! Love the doodles :)
