Monday, February 21, 2011

Music and Work for the Devil...

I love music. I basically listen to it all day everyday either through my ipod, the radio, or pandora while I'm on a computer. (Which is all the time). I know my family has found out (some recently) about pandora and I thought I would share some of my favorite bands right now and Pandora stations. Most of these are extremely mellow and I listen to either when I'm falling asleep or doing homework. These I'm going to list are VERY good homework stations (Al and Ab) but I think my mommy and older sis will like them too. At least I'm hoping. :) 

1. Thievery Corporation
2. Zero 7
3. Tycho

All of these are mostly just music, not a lot of words. The last one, Tycho, is a little funkier, but I still like it. If you put any of these as your Pandora station it'll be an AWESOME station. And they'll all probably come up on each other's station :)

4. Joshua Radin
5. Miles Davis
6. Massive Attack

These all are pretty much singers with words. Massive Attack is a little more upbeat (they're the people who sing the house theme song) But it's really good. I've been listening to their Pandora station for like a week straight now. I hope you guys find at least one station as a new fun thing to listen to out of those. I love getting new music from people so I love to share what I find too. :)

As for my art, I've finished my first project for the Devil teacher.

Hopefully you can zoom up a little bit. It's an ad for I'm hoping i don't have to tell you what that business does and maybe you can figure it out from my ad. If not, it's not a good ad. I'm not 100% satisfied with it, but I've sent it off to a guy who is the head of Graphic Design at GSD&M IdeaCity in Austin. (same place I'm PRAYING I get an internship). I hope he can give me some ideas on how to make it perfect for my portfolio. 

Well this is all I have for today. Have a joyous day!

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