Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Start...

I've now joined the family business of blogging. Mine will mostly be my work, trying to get opinions and to throw my ideas out here so they won't stay in my head. You might get some day to day things, some frustrations, joys, and altogether random-ness. After all, this is my JUMBLED abode. So let's kick it off.

In ComDes you always work towards a goal. What is the goal of the ad? What is the client's goal? What is your goal as a designer for this poster...? Everyday i will have a different goal.

Today's Goal: Thou shalt not have a breakdown due to lost flash drive.
Because of my absent state of mind I left my faithful flash drive of four years in a computer at school. Once I noticed my latest appendage missing i was instantly distraught. Are flash drives pretty expensive? Yeah, and I'd rather not buy another one when I had old faithful hanging around. It's not on the top of my "I want to do list"

Is all my work from basically my whole comdes career on that flash drive? Why yes it is. Lose all your work is a tad lower on my "I want to do list". So goal, you shall be a formidable foe today, as I am prone to stress anyway. But hopefully I will prevail, and not end this day crying in a computer lab getting the keyboard wet with my tears and snot.

On to the artwork. I am currently working on an illustration project I'm quite proud of. We have to illustrate a movie still using ink and brush then coloring it in photoshop. I'm not finished, but here is the work in progress...

It has to be finished by tomorrow at 5 so tonight will be a busy night. Especially since I also have things due in my Art Direction class. 
I hope everyone has a joyous day. Give the Lord thanks for this cold weather. (even though it's REALLY hard!)


  1. Awesome little character Britt! So cute! Flash drives are about $20 or so...But keep asking the lab if someone turned in a flash drive. HOPEFULLY it will pop up!!

  2. Oh, my sweet girl...I am so sorry about your flashdrive! On a happier note...I LOVE YOUR CHARACATURE!! Too cute!! I want one :). It will be fun to be able to "see" into your daily life through the blog!!

  3. Aw Brit that is a sad little story about your flashdrive!!I hope you find it, if not...try to look at is as a fresh start and the begining of a new flashdrive that will hold your latest works...hah well i tried.. But on a happier note I agree with everyone else, Coraline is greatttt and looks just like how she does in the movie!! Keep the good work up sis

  4. We all have blogging fever!! Welcome Britt, and here are your 4 most loyal followers! I'm going to get you insurance on your next flash drive- a lanyard :) Can't wait to see the final project!
