Friday, February 4, 2011

Coffee and Chocolate Poptarts

What a wonderful, unhealthy breakfast I am indulging in right now. I love coffee. I love chocolate fudge poptarts. Why not mix them?!

I woke up to snow on the ground!! Only a little, very true, but still snow! Poncho went absolutely nuts and ran around the dog park in circles for 10 minutes straight until he was wore out. He was so happy about it though :) My little man with his sweater after his running extravaganza. I love him so much!

And I'm so happy because work got closed today and therefore I have another whole day without anything to do. Except homework that is....but that's a tiny thing.

Today's Goal: Thou shall do your homework instead of play lego harry potter all day.

It's true. I truly love to play the lego video games. I've beaten lego batman and yet still play and try to find all the secrets. I have roughs due in my absolute LEAST favorite class on Tuesday and it would probably be best if I started them. But oh how I don't want to. Stupid Art Direction class.

Another topic...I miss my family so so so much.

And since you guys are the sole readers of my blog, I thought I'd let you know right on here!!

Alli-i miss you. a lot. Come here and cook me yummy dinners and we'll watch chick flicks all night and eat popcorn and ice cream and paint our nails. Sleepover party style. Tell Kuzco I love him and miss him even though he beats up my dog. ps. you need to read Julia's Chocolates. It's one of the best and funniest books I've read. Give me your address so I can mail it to you.

Ash-I want to see you and my two nieces STAT. I MISS THIS FACE.

 I want you to teach me how to sew and make things. And make the pumpkin loaf even though Jake would never eat it because he's so picky about what he eats. And I think we need to have a day alone to hang out because we never do that...and it would be fun.

Ab-MOVIE DAY!! We'll be rebels and pay for one movie but see 4. Movie hop to ALL the best movies, especially the ones the boys wouldn't want to see. We'll buy tub-o-popcorns and icees and maybe some candy if we're feeling frisky. Then we'll talk about the movies and what we liked and disliked. ps. I think you also need to read Julia's Chocolates.

Non-We'd have book discussions!! Tons of them! And teach me recipes so I can cook them for myself because again, Jake won't eat them. And you can also teach me to sew because I need to know. And we'll get a food processor so I can make better oreo balls. YAY! Oh and mom I'm in the process of designing you a logo. I don't exactly know why you would need a logo but It describes you very well and I'll make it and you can do with it what you will.



  1. YOU, my dear, are a sweet, sweet girl! I got teary-eyed reading your words of love to each of us! So:
    Britt, I need you to come home so you can teach me how to draw, watch funny movies like "Despicable Me", roamntic ones like "Pride and Prejudice", eat chocolate...lots of it because, well, IT"S DELICIOUS! You could make typography art for me...

  2. Britt, you're so sweet...I would love to teach you how to sew and bake! When I move back to Texas we need to have a sister day :)

    PS. Lyla and Adah miss their aunty...

  3. Aw sissy! What nice things to say, it made my day! I'll never fully understand the love that sister's have but its truly incomparable to any other close relationship you could have with someone!
    PS.We need to set a date to come home!
