Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So I apologize for my lack of posts, but for about 4 days I've been super sick and have not much been leaving the bed or couch. Coughing, splitting headaches, sneezing, up and down fever going as high as 100.1 and weakness-all the things coming from an Upper Respiratory Infection. But now, after missing two days of school and feeling like death, I'm back to about 60% health and going back to school. I had the best doctor around (Jake) and was taken very good care of so now I'm basically back on my feet.

Today's Goal: Thou shall not get stressed about the future.
Lately I've been dwelling and stressing about getting a job and having enough money to have a good life. The hardest thing for me is to just let God do what He's going to do and not worry about it. I mean, realistically there is nothing I can do right now except try hard in my classes and do my best. And even though i can say that it's a lot harder to actually put it in action. I need to find a good book to bury my head in so that there's a break from my hectic life. I'll try to find one stat.

I have mom's logo done and I'm very pleased with it but i haven't been able to upload it yet so whenever I do I'll share it with you all :)

Have a great very cold day!!


  1. For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart.
    Feel better my sweet girl!

  2. The Physick Book of Deliverance Dane!!! It's a book I just got done reading a few weeks ago because I was feeling the same, needed a good book. And this one was really good, kept me wanting to read more! Maybe you can download it on your kindle! I hope you feel better and I feel you because I think I'm starting to get Bronchitis :( blah.

  3. mom keeps waiting for the logo...think maybe it will inspire me to have a business??!!
