Monday, February 28, 2011

Look, I'm a chef!

So as most people know, I am NOT known for my culinary expertise. Unlike my lovely sisters, i usually do not have the patience nor the natural skill they posses. But lately I have been going on All Recipes to find yummy really fast dinners for me and Jake so that I don't lose patience or get frustrated that they're too hard. :) One thing I made was actually from watching a Pillsbury commercial! Home made pizza rolls :) All you have to do is unfold the rolls, put mozzarella cheese and pepperonis inside, wrap them up and cook them for about 12 mins. (Or however long the package says) They are DELICIOUS! and healthier than buying pizza rolls and extremely less expensive. and not to mention SUPER easy :) I've also made Lemon Pepper chicken (too lemony actually) and Creamy tomato bacon pasta. Goodness Gracious was that pasta yummy. The recipe is here. Now I'm sure you can substitute things to make it healthier, but it's awesome just the way it is :) Last night I made Chicken Parmesan and this one I actually have a picture of.
YAY! it turned out absolutely scrumptious and I will definitely be making it again. I picked up a few more recipes off Allrecipes so I'll be making more things and remembering to document them. I'm so excited I can cook and that it's turning out good. Not to mention that Jake is loving this hopefully permanent phase I'm in right now.

As for my artwork I don't have anything completed to show you. I'm working on new logos for the Wimberley Pie Company but I'm not finished with them. Also for Illustration I'm really excited about what I'm working on. We're making our own patterns from our drawings. I've chosen to do two patterns. One for a children's store that's a boy theme and one that's a girl theme :) I'm about half way done with the boy one and the girl's i haven't started but I'm really excited for how it will turn out. And maybe they will be successful enough to actually be used for something. Like fabric or something. I tend to make my art with Lyla in mind so the girl pattern will be hopefully something my dear sister Ashley can use for her sweet girls. :)

Well, Poncho just threw up on the carpet so I'm guessing it's time to go. :( Have a very BLESSED day my sweet girls in my life. I love you!

Monday, February 21, 2011

Music and Work for the Devil...

I love music. I basically listen to it all day everyday either through my ipod, the radio, or pandora while I'm on a computer. (Which is all the time). I know my family has found out (some recently) about pandora and I thought I would share some of my favorite bands right now and Pandora stations. Most of these are extremely mellow and I listen to either when I'm falling asleep or doing homework. These I'm going to list are VERY good homework stations (Al and Ab) but I think my mommy and older sis will like them too. At least I'm hoping. :) 

1. Thievery Corporation
2. Zero 7
3. Tycho

All of these are mostly just music, not a lot of words. The last one, Tycho, is a little funkier, but I still like it. If you put any of these as your Pandora station it'll be an AWESOME station. And they'll all probably come up on each other's station :)

4. Joshua Radin
5. Miles Davis
6. Massive Attack

These all are pretty much singers with words. Massive Attack is a little more upbeat (they're the people who sing the house theme song) But it's really good. I've been listening to their Pandora station for like a week straight now. I hope you guys find at least one station as a new fun thing to listen to out of those. I love getting new music from people so I love to share what I find too. :)

As for my art, I've finished my first project for the Devil teacher.

Hopefully you can zoom up a little bit. It's an ad for I'm hoping i don't have to tell you what that business does and maybe you can figure it out from my ad. If not, it's not a good ad. I'm not 100% satisfied with it, but I've sent it off to a guy who is the head of Graphic Design at GSD&M IdeaCity in Austin. (same place I'm PRAYING I get an internship). I hope he can give me some ideas on how to make it perfect for my portfolio. 

Well this is all I have for today. Have a joyous day!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Doodle Doodle

My next illustration project was to create little doodles, any doodles you wanted, scan them into the computer then tweak them a bit then color them. At first my doodles I did were HORRIBLE. I'm not an illustrator. Give me a picture and tell me to re create it exactly. Gotcha. Good to go. Tell me to make imperfect little cartoons that are semi realistic and cute. No go. So at first I was really frustrated. And 98% of my doodles I did were complete poopy. But I did find 4 ones that i thought were good enough to scan in. And here they are :)
Yay doodles! I think my teacher will like them. And even if she doesn't, I think they turned out pretty darn cute <3 
I realized I haven't been doing Goals for the Day. Oops. I guess I'll do one today 

Today's Goal: Thou Shall Not Kill Your Art Direction Teacher.
Let me just tell you, I have personally met Satan's mistress. And is she a handful. This teacher is literally the bane of my existence. I have never been more petrified of one person in my entire life. Some of you have heard small tales of her adventures. (This is the same teacher who expected 4 pages and 6 hours of time put into a WORDLIST for heaven's sake) She has also failed students who's thumbnails weren't EXACTLY the right dimensions. Shot down every group's ideas in the class more than once and the week before they were due we had a pre-critique. Some groups she told to basically redo their whole thing and go a different direction. Our project for that class is due on Tuesday. Please pray for my comfort in that class and for my patience so that I do not remove this ladies head from her very angry body.

And on that note I shall leave you :) Have a glorious night!

Monday, February 14, 2011

Web Design

So I've started a Web Design class and so far it's been really dull. Doing thumbnails and roughs (sketches for my ideas) in astronomical amounts. Aka. Really really boring. But now I've finally started the designing part of my website and I thought I would share some of the stuff I have to do to prepare to make a website.

First is a moodboard. This shows colors, patterns, fonts, images I've gotten inspiration from and specific buttons I'd like to use for my website.

HOpefully you can zoom in so you can actually see all the details of it but for the most part that's my moodboard. Me and my group (named Team Voldemort. for all you Office fans. Beach day reference) are going for the old 50's homemaker over exuberance that were always in ads. We're making this website for a company called Fred and Friends. Which actually has really cute and cool, funny things to buy. Just click this :)

Next we have wireframes. Wireframes show the bare minimum of how we want to set up our web pages. They have no design elements.
Again, hopefully you can zoom that up to get the whole feel. I have two other ones for the Products page and the individual product page but they look similar to this so i won't put them. I guess that's a little glimpse into what I've been doing for my school work :) And actually since I'm not really doing anything, I'll show you my finished logos I did for myself. Well, the ones I liked :)

First is my letter to form and then the black and white and color of my letter to letter. As you'll notice the letter to letter has a Y as my last initial :) I just couldn't help trying one out with my last name starting with a Y and absolutely LOVED how it turned out so i picked it as my favorite. I'll most likely keep it as my "signature" slash logo. I hope you enjoyed my work today!! 

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Birthdays and Logos

Finally, here it is!!

I don't know why it's so big but there's mom's official logo I made :) A coffee cup with a steam cross?! a perfect illustration of my sweet mommy. 

Today is my baby's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY JAKE! He's now an old man. I got him a 2 year subscription to Men's Health and he really liked it :) We spent time with his parents yesterday and some this morning and that was a lot of fun. I've had a pretty crazy weekend and tomorrow will be pretty busy. The lacrosse team plays their first game and it's against UT so I'll be there to cheer them on. Not to mention a good pile of homework and a meeting with my group for my web design class. :/ phew! I might even make Jake some red velvet cupcakes from Alli's blog :) It is his birthday after all!!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


So I apologize for my lack of posts, but for about 4 days I've been super sick and have not much been leaving the bed or couch. Coughing, splitting headaches, sneezing, up and down fever going as high as 100.1 and weakness-all the things coming from an Upper Respiratory Infection. But now, after missing two days of school and feeling like death, I'm back to about 60% health and going back to school. I had the best doctor around (Jake) and was taken very good care of so now I'm basically back on my feet.

Today's Goal: Thou shall not get stressed about the future.
Lately I've been dwelling and stressing about getting a job and having enough money to have a good life. The hardest thing for me is to just let God do what He's going to do and not worry about it. I mean, realistically there is nothing I can do right now except try hard in my classes and do my best. And even though i can say that it's a lot harder to actually put it in action. I need to find a good book to bury my head in so that there's a break from my hectic life. I'll try to find one stat.

I have mom's logo done and I'm very pleased with it but i haven't been able to upload it yet so whenever I do I'll share it with you all :)

Have a great very cold day!!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Coffee and Chocolate Poptarts

What a wonderful, unhealthy breakfast I am indulging in right now. I love coffee. I love chocolate fudge poptarts. Why not mix them?!

I woke up to snow on the ground!! Only a little, very true, but still snow! Poncho went absolutely nuts and ran around the dog park in circles for 10 minutes straight until he was wore out. He was so happy about it though :) My little man with his sweater after his running extravaganza. I love him so much!

And I'm so happy because work got closed today and therefore I have another whole day without anything to do. Except homework that is....but that's a tiny thing.

Today's Goal: Thou shall do your homework instead of play lego harry potter all day.

It's true. I truly love to play the lego video games. I've beaten lego batman and yet still play and try to find all the secrets. I have roughs due in my absolute LEAST favorite class on Tuesday and it would probably be best if I started them. But oh how I don't want to. Stupid Art Direction class.

Another topic...I miss my family so so so much.

And since you guys are the sole readers of my blog, I thought I'd let you know right on here!!

Alli-i miss you. a lot. Come here and cook me yummy dinners and we'll watch chick flicks all night and eat popcorn and ice cream and paint our nails. Sleepover party style. Tell Kuzco I love him and miss him even though he beats up my dog. ps. you need to read Julia's Chocolates. It's one of the best and funniest books I've read. Give me your address so I can mail it to you.

Ash-I want to see you and my two nieces STAT. I MISS THIS FACE.

 I want you to teach me how to sew and make things. And make the pumpkin loaf even though Jake would never eat it because he's so picky about what he eats. And I think we need to have a day alone to hang out because we never do that...and it would be fun.

Ab-MOVIE DAY!! We'll be rebels and pay for one movie but see 4. Movie hop to ALL the best movies, especially the ones the boys wouldn't want to see. We'll buy tub-o-popcorns and icees and maybe some candy if we're feeling frisky. Then we'll talk about the movies and what we liked and disliked. ps. I think you also need to read Julia's Chocolates.

Non-We'd have book discussions!! Tons of them! And teach me recipes so I can cook them for myself because again, Jake won't eat them. And you can also teach me to sew because I need to know. And we'll get a food processor so I can make better oreo balls. YAY! Oh and mom I'm in the process of designing you a logo. I don't exactly know why you would need a logo but It describes you very well and I'll make it and you can do with it what you will.


Thursday, February 3, 2011

Rolling Blackouts

Only in Texas would I not have class yesterday afternoon and this morning without even one snowflake falling from the sky. My friend that moved to Montana still had school and it was -11 there. Apparently statewide rolling blackouts have plagued our state and therefore we didn't have heat in the building and no classes. Unfortunately I will still have my class at 5 pm all the way until 9 pm :(  Speaking of that class, here is my finished project of the movie still...
Coraline all finished!! Hopefully I'll get an A on my first project in this class. 

Today's Goal: Thou shall use my new running shoes today. 

For an early Valentines Day present Jake got me new asics to run in :) (asics Gel Equation 4) He knows that my other ones are quite old and took pity upon my poor feet and got me some new ones to run in. I'm really excited to train in them as long as I'm on the treadmill so that I don't get them dirty and I'll wear them for the Triathlon in April. I'm really excited because Lord knows I wouldn't have bought them for myself. Thanks Jake!! <3 

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

The Start...

I've now joined the family business of blogging. Mine will mostly be my work, trying to get opinions and to throw my ideas out here so they won't stay in my head. You might get some day to day things, some frustrations, joys, and altogether random-ness. After all, this is my JUMBLED abode. So let's kick it off.

In ComDes you always work towards a goal. What is the goal of the ad? What is the client's goal? What is your goal as a designer for this poster...? Everyday i will have a different goal.

Today's Goal: Thou shalt not have a breakdown due to lost flash drive.
Because of my absent state of mind I left my faithful flash drive of four years in a computer at school. Once I noticed my latest appendage missing i was instantly distraught. Are flash drives pretty expensive? Yeah, and I'd rather not buy another one when I had old faithful hanging around. It's not on the top of my "I want to do list"

Is all my work from basically my whole comdes career on that flash drive? Why yes it is. Lose all your work is a tad lower on my "I want to do list". So goal, you shall be a formidable foe today, as I am prone to stress anyway. But hopefully I will prevail, and not end this day crying in a computer lab getting the keyboard wet with my tears and snot.

On to the artwork. I am currently working on an illustration project I'm quite proud of. We have to illustrate a movie still using ink and brush then coloring it in photoshop. I'm not finished, but here is the work in progress...

It has to be finished by tomorrow at 5 so tonight will be a busy night. Especially since I also have things due in my Art Direction class. 
I hope everyone has a joyous day. Give the Lord thanks for this cold weather. (even though it's REALLY hard!)