Sunday, March 27, 2011

A Budding Designer...

So I don't think I told all of you, but I got a second job as a clothing designer for a new site Now don't try to go look it up, because it isn't up quite yet. Sketchy? Yup, just a little. I'm the graphic designer for christian clothes. Now I'm approaching this job with the mindset that it's just a hobby right now, and I will gain no profit from it. And if i do? YIPPEE! If I don't? No feelings hurt. I'm getting "paid" on commission. So if I design a shirt, and it sells, I get 20% of the gross income it makes. AKA not a lot of money. Therefore I'm still working at satan's burger shop while doing my school work and designer a clothes line. Probably not the brightest idea, but I thought it would be fun. So far I've designed 2 shirts that I'd like to share with you! (yes it's only 2 shirts, but I've only been employed about a week, so not too bad)

Well, there they are! Hopefully you like them. And when(or if) they make it online and for sale you can buy them and make me a little moolah :) That's what I've got for you this afternoon. When I design more shirts I'll put them up. Have a joyous day.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Party Pooper

That's what I constantly feel like. A party pooper! I now have 2 jobs and trying to survive my mountains and mountains of homework. Unfortunately my teachers all like to pile on the assignments at the same time. Typical. The only upside of this hideous event is that I have things to show you all :) First we'll do the finals of my Wimberley Pie Company logo and paper system.

I had to do a business card, envelope (back and front) and then a letterhead. I am happy with how it turned out and now I have to come up with around 10 different other things for it. Like signs, hats, shirts, all kinds of things. Those thumbs are due monday. 
Next is my class for the Devil. Our pre crit is today so we'll see how she likes them. But it was an ad campaign for the Austin Parks Foundation. These are my groups 3 ads.

Well there you go! All three pieces! Hopefully I get a better grade than last time, since I got a 70. :( i really really don't like her. 
That's all I got for today. Have a glorious rest of the day :)

Monday, March 7, 2011

Pies and Princesses

So I finally have some work to show you. After working for literally 5 or 6 hours straight on homework last night I can show you some of the still not finished things I have going on :) First we'll do the stuff I'm doing for Corporate Identity and Packaging. Our assignment is to take a business, mine is Wimberely Pie Company, and create a new logo for them. After that we have to design a business card, letterhead, and envelope using the logo we created and whatever else we think it needs. So far I have a logo and two business card ideas. 
Here is my logo I've got. It still might change because it already has changed almost completely and my teacher hasn't see this idea yet, so we'll see how it goes. Here's one business card idea...
more of a classy "gourmet" pie feel. And here's the other one...
This one is more of a southern homemade feel. We'll see how he feels about each of them. Specially the second one since it's not the right dimensions the business card is supposed to be because well, it's shaped like a pie. 

So onto another class.Illustration. So far my favorite class of the semester. Now I'm sure Ashley has been waiting for a picture of this to go up so I hope she's happy with the results :) Here is my original pattern square.
Now here it is all put together and repeating
And I don't have the colors exactly right, but I've been messing with it since it's due thursday along with another half project for that same class. But here are the temporary colors. I would appreciate some feedback about them :)
YAY!! Actually I'd like feedback about everything I've posted so I can make them as good as I can. I have to have an online portfolio due by MArch 15 for an internship over the summer :/ AH! Well I'm going to go drink my coffee and play words with friends with my father :)
Have a glorious day!