Monday, September 19, 2011

Creative Volcano

So with all my classes (only 3, but it feels like about 8) I've come up with some really cool designs that I'm still tweaking, but thought I'd show to you! Now, If you remember a while back I did a ballerina princess pattern with my niece in mind. Here's a re-purposed version...
I've made them into little logos for different dress companies. These are each different versions, so i'll have to pick one of them to keep going with. I really like the ones on the right, but overall I like them all and I'll see what my teacher has to say. Next I have some doodles I did for illustration that was just for fun, Now I've made them into logos for kids' shampoo...
I really really like how these have turned out so far, but as I said before they will probably change some before they are completely done. My favorite is the t-rex :) But I think I'm going to give him a body also. Last but not least (and really not last but I don't want to put up everything) is the wimbereley pie company. Now me and the pie company have gone round and round and once again we're at each other's throats. But I've changed the logo and I feel a lot better about it...
The colors will change to red, black, tan and white. Now all I have to do is see what my professor thinks about it and then I'll redo my whole book with all my stuff from aprons to menus. Well, now I have to go work on everything else in the world I have. But I love you all and I will see my family this weekend! :)

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Stressfull Semester

I wanted the Lord to help me trust him more and put more faith in Him and boy has he. This semester is the hardest by far I've ever been through. I'm literally either sleeping, eating, at the gym, at work, or working on homework. I get excited for the weekend just because it's more time that I get to work on my homework. I was sitting in church on Sunday and I was thinking of different ways to redo their logo. This is a problem. I can't go to sleep at night because my mind is going a million miles a minute thinking about design and it's the first thing I think about when I wake up! I'm literally eating sleeping and BREATHING design. Now, it's kind of good, but kind of annoying. I just want to relax sometimes and I can't because I have another 15 things to get done. I'll be home the weekend of the 23rd and I'll work extra hard that week just so I don't have to worry about anything when I get home. I'm also now able to come home for my precious niece's birthday :) I'll have to find a very special present!! Well I'm going to go to class now but here's a little Hi from my baby boy...
And I forgot but here's my drawing for Ginny

it's not a great picture but I'm pretty proud of how it turned out! :)

Love all of you so much and miss you a ton

Monday, September 5, 2011


Well, this is what I look like after I design and code a website until the wee hours of the morning...
I had Poncho as some company but I was still a little loopy. But after my hard work I finally got my two pages designed and working :)

there they are!! Most of the things have rollover effects but I can't show those ha. When I buy a domain name (which I'm required to do and costs from $60-$100) I'll be able to actually have my websites up for people to see. Well, that's my design stuff for right now, me and Taylor are gonna go hang out :)