Monday, August 22, 2011

12 weeks

Starting today I am beginning a 12 week program to get more muscle and slim down my fat. Me and Janelle are doing it together and I'm not gonna lie I'm pretty nervous about it. This 12 week program is from Jamie Evans a bodybuilder and spokesmodel for The first phase (which is one month) I will be strictly only doing weight training with no cardio. 4 to 5 days a week and then some rest. I'm eating a lot of egg whites and a lot of veggies and no processed food. I will need constant prayers to continue this workout and to not want to go binge at Pluckers with fried twinkies. I'm on a multivitamin (which I blend up with my smoothie), protein powder, fish oil, and amino acids (which is in my protein powder). I'm hoping to have this be a life changing transition so that I'm healthier, looking better and have a longer life. I'll keep you all updated about how it's going and if I notice changes I'll let you know with pictures. I've taken my before picture and hopefully in 3 months there will be a good change :)

Also I've found a new church that I really like called Christ Community Church. I took Taylor yesterday and hopefully she continues to come with me and my new friend Joanna. I'm also looking into volunteering for the children's church there too :)

I miss all of my family so much and look forward to sometime coming home. I'll need to in order to give Ginny her drawing, which I should be finished with in a few days. Once it's done I'll post a picture. I love all of you, and God bless each and every one.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Reunited Weekend

Last weekend I got to spend it with Janelle. :) After her shenanigans in Italy and on a cruise it was about time I haul her butt down here to spend a little best friend time. I've finally realized who my true friends are. Which actually I've found out I have about 3. Janelle is truly my best friend and sister in Christ and I can't ever be thankful enough that we made it through 8 years of friendship and we're still strong. I constantly thank the Lord that I have a strong christian sister next to me in life and we have already promised to stay that way for the rest of our lives. <3

Tuesday, August 2, 2011


I have FINALLY gotten a new job :) As of yesterday I am officially a UPS employee and my last day of the devil's burger place is on Aug. 11th. I'm so so grateful to the Lord for answering this prayer that I've been praying for months and months. Thankfully I've been able to start UPS while I'm still employed by Ruben. He only gave me 3 hours this week (out of spite) and so that leaves me open to train over at UPS at the same time. I really like all the people there and my boss is super nice. Also this past weekend I have moved into my new little apartment!! I absolutely love it :)

Here's the kitchen with the backsplash that is so adorable.

The living room is my FAVORITE! it was already painted orange, my favorite color!! you can see Poncho enjoying his new home :) and the artwork is courtesy of jake!

my bedroom,

and my MONSTER closet. I've fit my dresser in here along with ALL my clothes. That means this closet is pretty darn impressive.

So I cooked my little dinner for 1 last night and it turned out delicious.
spaghetti noodles with chicken, squash, mushrooms, asparagus, and savory seasoning :) it was a veggie party and the chicken was invited!  I'm sure I will cook it again.
Well I love all of your faces and remember that i miss you!!