Saturday, July 23, 2011

Loaded Veggie Omelette

I've been trying to eat a lot healthier and following by an eating plan on This is what I had for breakfast! It was delicious. It's got mushrooms, bell peppers, and tomatoes in it. Also I improvised and put some avocado out there to eat with every bite and that was a very wise decision. Well unfortunately this is a very short post because I have to be at work in 13 minutes. i love you all my sweet sweet family :)

Friday, July 22, 2011

Happy Creating

With my new class I've actually produced two pieces I'm extremely happy about and hopefully will be able to use in my final Exit Review coming in December. One is an editorial we had to do about some pictures of people we didn't know. We had to make up a story and create a 2 page intro to an editorial spread.

The next one was a book cover. Now, just to let you know, even though I absolutely love books, I am HORRIBLE at book covers. Idk what it is, but the last two that I've done I've absolutely hated and want to burn. So when we had to do another one I was pretty intimidated. I chose a book of poems called Hotel Insomnia by Charles Simic. They are very dark, and surreal. But here is the book cover I did for it.
:) I did all the stuff myself. Burnt the paper, burnt the match, and photographed the match. I'm really proud of the way it turned out and it will hopefully make it's way into my final portfolio.

On the work end I applied yesterday at UPS and they said they had a girl they had been talking to but that she hadn't shown up yesterday when she was supposed to. I'm praying that God will place me there because I really like the guy that owns it and I feel like I would fit in there and do a good job.  SO keep the prayers coming that I will be able to find another job and quit my current one. I love you my sweet family :)

Monday, July 18, 2011

Summer School

So I've been frustrated with Ashley because she wasn't posting...but then again I haven't either! So here's an update.

I'm currently looking for a new job because I'm fed up with everything Ruben has been doing against me. I don't want to list it all here but I'm sure most of you have heard bits and pieces. There is a receptionist job at a vet that pays 13.50 an hour so I'm applying there and also subway.

I took poster design in Summer 1 and got three pretty good projects done. Here they are!

We had to make a poster for a do it yourself project using a QR code. If you scan the code with your iphone on my poster it will take you to a website for the project :)

This was a book cover that had to fold out to a poster. so it folds out to be an over with a cupcake tin in it. it's for the book Henry's Sisters. I don't like it that much

this was a poster that popped out. It was for lego architecture series. I chose the seattle space needle. so when you fold it out the space needle pops up :)

Also I'm working on a little something for myself
:) I'm going to put color in it but this is the outline. little princess as an illustration :)

Soon I move into my new apartment and I'm really excited. I'm gonna go to Ikea and get some new stuff and that's ALWAYS fun!!