Monday, April 18, 2011

Like father like daughter...

I LIVED! I survived through my third traithlon and I'm pretty proud of how easy it was (not super easy at all...but easier than I thought it would be.) It took me 1 hr and 40 mins to complete and it only took me 5 mins and 20 secs to finish the swim :) Now my father on the other hand finished in a little over an hour (the same time it took me about to finish the bike alone!) But he's the one to thank for getting me on this track and actually completing them. Also my WONDERFUL mommy who taught me how to swim and also motivated me :) I just wish my mom had been able to do it because I was number 364 and she would've been 365 so we would've been able to do the whole thing together (as long as she didn't leave me in the dust!) I'm thinking of doing the Monster Tri in October, but we'll see if I have the money to pay for it!
Like Father like Daughter...

Monday, April 4, 2011

After a weekend of relaxation...

I went with Jake to Corpus this past weekend to spend some time with his parents and I had a wonderful time. It was extremely relaxing and I didn't work on homework the WHOLE time and didn't worry about anything. I loved every second of it. Poncho had fun, even though when we got home to San Marcos we had to give him an extensive bath because he picked up a decent amount of fleas :( While we're on the topic of my little man, he did fine through his dental cleaning and all his vaccines and exams. We were a little worried because he has a heart murmur and heart worms and it's a little risky to put him under anesthesia, but he did really well :)

Why don't we throw in a goal for today....

Today's Goal: Thou shall not go into depression because your artwork didn't get into the show.

I put my hands drawing into the Student Show the other day to see if I could get in, and I'm not gonna lie I was pretty darn positive about it that I would get it. How wrong I was. I checked and found out yesterday that I did not get in. And I got REAL down. All yesterday I let Satan whisper in my ear and tell me how bad of an artist I was and how delusional I was to think that I was good enough to compete with all these more amazing students in the program here at Txstate. But after reading my bible this morning I realized that I need to be comfortable with my art, and if I like what I made, then that's enough for me. I don't need to constantly impress others and show it off. And now I'm a lot better about it.

Here are two more shirts I've designed.

Hope you enjoy them :) Have a glorious day