Tuesday, May 10, 2011

A Month Off...

I'm finally out of school for the spring. I have a month until I have to start school again on June 1st. It's GLORIOUS! I truly don't know what to do with myself having half a day to do absolutely nothing until I usually have to go to work. I've got 34 hours this week so I'm slowly becoming rich girl again. Which is good because I need to go get Poncho some flea medicine :(. Now that I'm done with class I can show some of my final stuff that I had to turn in.
First is my website I designed and actually made work.

 These three pages are the home page, the multiple article page, and the single article page. When you hover over the navigation on the top and the tags on the side each turn to white. I was pretty proud of this website.

Next is my Illustration project I did which was a How Boys are Different than Girls Book. I illustrated it all.
Last is something I did for Ruben for the Broiler. It's a menu/poster thing that is for the concession stand we have at 5 mile dam. I'm pretty proud of it too and he liked it so that's a plus.
well that's all I've got for today. I started my Beth Moore bible study today and I'm so excited :) I love you all!!